Where Are They Now – Paul Bennett
Paul Bennett started training with us back in 2014. With a passion for teaching but a lack of experience, he grew and developed throughout his time with us into an amazing teacher! Paul has worked at Bankfields Primary School since graduating and has grown his responsibilities a lot. We’re so proud of Paul, just like all our amazing trainees!
“I started my teacher training in 2014 with RCTTP. Although I have always had the passion to teach and work with young people, I initially lacked experience and was feeling apprehensive about starting my teacher training journey. Despite this, the course leaders at RCTTP believed that I had the ability to be successful and progress through the course.

“From my first encounter with the professionals at the RCTTP interview to my ongoing relationship with the organisation now, I can not express how supportive and fantastic the whole team are. During my initial teacher training year, I had the opportunity to access a wide range of centralised training sessions facilitated by expert practitioners and leading teachers. These sessions gave me the required knowledge, skills and pedological understanding to develop my own practice. Alongside this quality training, I was placed within a host school where I had the opportunity to work closely with a professional mentor to apply what I had learnt and to build teaching experience. This type of training truly gave me an understanding of what it means to be a working teacher. In addition, RCTTP supported me through the process of achieving my PGCE, meaning that I graduated from the course in 2015 with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), a year of teaching experience under my belt and a post as teacher in my host school due to the relationships I have formed on my placement.
“Since qualifying, I have spent my whole career working at Bankfields Primary School. Over my time at Bankfields, I have taught across the entirety of Key Stage Two and continued to hone my skills as a teacher. I still have the same excitement and sense of achievement when the pupils in my class are learning and love coming to school. Having a solid understanding of quality-first teaching and how to meet the teacher standards from RCTTP gave me the bedrock to become the experienced practitioner I am today.
“From initial RCTTP student to now, I have worked closely with a fantastic head teacher and skilled leaders within my school. This team gave me the opportunity to continue to develop professionally, acquiring different responsibilities and progressing through leadership levels. For the past three years, I have held the position of Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) at Bankfields. In order to fulfil this role, I have completed the National Award for SEN Coordination which gave me the essential knowledge of legislation and understanding of SEN leadership. This role is one in which I am incredibly passionate and lead strategically. I have the privilege to work closely with teachers, support staff, parents and external agencies to ensure that the most vulnerable children within our school achieve their best possible outcomes.
“Alongside my leadership of SEND, I have recently joined the Senior Leadership Team within Bankfields, leading the Lower Key Stage Two Phase. This responsibility is one which allows me to work collaboratively with ambitious colleagues to drive the school forwards. I have the opportunity to plan and contribute to change on a whole-school level to implement change. As part of this role, I also direct and support a team of six teachers and support staff to plan and deliver a curriculum to over 80 children across the Key Stage.
“My career at Bankfields Primary School has developed, and I now hold many roles within school. One of my proudest achievements is my work as a professional mentor for RCTTP students. Over the years, I have continued to work closely with the partnership to mentor the new generation of aspiring teachers. It is remarkable to see that the course is still providing amazing training opportunities and close support through their brilliant leaders. Working with trainee teachers has allowed me to pass on my skills and to support passionate individuals who share the same ethos for teaching and learning as our school.
“I am very grateful to RCTTP for their great teaching programme as I feel that the quality of the provider has launched my career, fostered my passion for teaching and empowered me to advance through leadership. Although it is a challenging year, the RCTTP teaching training route in unmatched in quality.”