Training with RCTTP
The School Direct programme is a 1 year full-time course which starts in September and finishes with the end of the academic year in July. We offer training in Primary (key stage 1 and 2). Successful completion leads to recommendation for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). RCTTP has also established links with the University of Hull and now offers a PGCE with Masters Level Credits alongside QTS.
School Placements
Trainees have a ‘host school’. The majority of the trainee’s time is spent in the host school which enables them to build strong relationships with colleagues and pupils, maintain continuity of teaching and fully become part of a school; trainees develop a sense of belonging and are immersed in school life.
The second school experience takes place in a block of 6-8 weeks in the Spring term.
All school placements are arranged by RCTTP and trainees are not responsible for finding their own school. Click here to find out more about our partnership schools.
*Please Note: although Whale Hill Primary is the Lead School for the School Direct programme trainees could be placed in any of our partnership schools.
Central Training
Weekly central training takes the form of ‘taught’ sessions that are delivered by experienced, expert practitioners. The sessions are grounded in theory and also provide practical strategies and techniques that can then be applied to classroom practice. Central training also provides an opportunity for trainees to share and reflect on their school experience.
School Based Training
School training is individualised to meet each trainee’s needs and will include a variety of activities including focused lesson observations of colleagues, weekly tutorials with Mentors, attendance at school-based training activities, team planning and teaching, focused meetings with school specialists, colleague and pupil shadowing and undertaking research into a school based issue.
During the first half-term trainees are not expected to teach. Time will be spent observing experienced colleagues and learning about the craft of the classroom.
In the second half of the Autumn term trainees will teach a 30% timetable. The teaching commitment increases to 50% in the Spring term and 70% in the Summer term of the training year.
Mentoring and Support
All primary trainees have a school based Mentor who may also be the Class Teacher.
In addition to school-based Mentors, all trainees have a Partnership Tutor, an experienced, expert practitioner external to the school who will visit the host school on a regular basis.
The Course Leaders provide pastoral and academic support for all trainees.
All trainees must demonstrate that they have fully met each of the Teachers’ Standards by the end of the course in order to be awarded QTS.
Assessment is continual and is carried out through lesson observations, termly reviews of practice, formal assignments and Partnership Tutor visits.