Application Tips
Applications to train to teach with Redcar and Cleveland Teacher Training Partnership must be submitted through the DfE Apply System – for details see the Apply section on this website.
The application consists of a number of sections and to help you make the most of your application here are some aspects to consider.
Personal statement
This section is the one that will have a large impact on how your application is viewed and therefore it is important to take time and care when researching and preparing it.
- Your personal statement should show your enthusiasm and a passion for teaching. One of the first things we will look for is why you want to teach and in particular why you want to teach your chosen age range and/or subject.
- This section has a word limit so do not use this space to just give a description of your experience and skills. Instead you should reflect on the experience you have had, what you have seen and learned and how this will have a positive impact on your teaching.
- While experience in school is beneficial it is not a requirement, you can also focus on how other work/life experiences you have had links to teaching as well as the skills and qualities you have developed that will work well in the classroom
- This section on the online form does not have spelling or grammar check – a simple mistake therefore is carried into your application. So use a programme like Word to write and check your statement then and copy and paste it onto your application.
There is lots of very useful information and tips on how to write a good personal statement and what to include on the DfE website and also on the UCAS website– it is worth having a look at both of these before you start.
School and work experience section
- In line with safer recruitment any breaks in employment/education should also be detailed in this section, for example if you were unemployed or spent time travelling please include it here.
- You will need to identify two referees. Please make sure they know in advance that you are going to use them as they will need to be alert to the request they will receive for their reference.
- Your references for teacher training need to be from named individuals rather than (for example) a human resources team or academic department- they will be asked to l confirm how they know you and if they know any reason why you should not work with children.
- If you are still studying or graduated in the last 5 years, you’ll need an academic reference.
- If you already work in a school, you’ll need a reference from your headteacher.
- You can give a character reference, such as from a mentor or someone you know through volunteering, as a second reference- you should not ask a family member, partner or friend for a reference.
- Your references will only be contacted if you are made a Conditional Offer.
- For safer recruitment purposes you should use professional emails for your referees (one that is clearly linked to a school or business) rather than personal ones (e.g. hotmail or gmail)
- Please list all of your qualifications (not just the minimum needed to apply) as it is good to see the range of your academic achievements.
- Please give full titles of qualifications. These will be found on the certificates.
- If you do not have the original GCSE and Degree certificates then you will need to start the process of obtaining copies. You cannot be accepted onto the course until we have seen them. You will need to contact the individual exam boards to get an official statement of results from them- this can take some time so it is better to start early. For more information visit the Entry Requirements page on this website